8/8/2018 83 Comments Evidence that A Large Amount of Low Quality Responses on MTurk Can Be Detected with Repeated GPS CoordinatesSuggested Citation: Bai, H. (2018) Evidence that A Large Amount of Low Quality Responses on MTurk Can Be Detected with Repeated GPS Coordinates. Retrieved from: https://www.maxhuibai.com/blog/evidence-that-responses-from-repeating-gps-are-random Backgrounds: In the past day or two, I discovered that a large number of responses in my latest Mturk survey appear to be random responses. I detect that a large portion of these random responses have repeating GPS locations. So far, a relatively large number of social psychological researchers also seem to have noticed a drop of data quality in their Mturk data and detected concerning patterns using the GPS method (see the related discussion threads on Facebook PsychMAP). What is being done now I am hoping to organize an effort to determine the scale and the nature of this problem, and I need the help from as many people/labs as possible. If you have found potential contamination (see below), I hope you can fill out this survey https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3jWIfYENfFUQ1ff. I will post an update/summary of whatever I have by then on Wednesday August 15 2018. However, the survey will keep open. How to find out if your data is contaminated One simple way to quickly determine if you data is potentially contaminated is to search for “88639831” in your data (the last digit can be different due to rounding and program used). This is the number after the decimal point for the latitude of a GPS location. This location was seen in multiple surveys. If you have it in your data, you might want to consider looking at how many participants have repeating/same GPS coordinates and analyze their data separately or exclude them. Responses with this GPS location as well as any other repeating GPS locations appear to be random. What is being determined right now: Below are some items that researchers seem to care about the most. I included some very preliminary conclusions from circumstantial evidence and observations. The scale of the impact (i.e., how many surveys have been affected for how long). So far it seems that at least about 90 studies from around the world (mostly North America and Eaurope) have been affected by the issue, and the contamination can be dated back to as early as March 2018. I am hoping to organize an effort to better determine the scale and the nature of this problem, and as mentioned above, I need the help from as many people/lab as possible. If you have found potential contamination in your data, I hope you can fill out this survey https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3jWIfYENfFUQ1ff Other characteristics of the repeaters Many people have reported that they tend to respond nonsensically to open-ended questions. In my own surveys, I have seen many “good” “GOOD” “NICE!” etc. They do not appear to take much longer or shorter time to fill out my survey compared to non-repeaters. What are some effective ways to counter it. Based on the studies of my own and few others, so far it looks like IP address cannot tell much. They can pass most basic types of attention checks (selecting a particular response or typing certain phrases), but not more sophisticated ones. Some suggest that some of them seem to be able to get pass Captcha, but it is still unsure at this moment. Evidence that responses from repeating GPS are random Here are some preliminary evidence from my own data. I think these evidence suggest that the repeaters, whatever they are, are not giving meaningful responses. I am using a survey that is still collecting data (see footnote 1). It has N=578, and 282 (48.8%) of them have duplicated (repeating) GPS. Below are some analyses done separately for repeaters and non-repeaters. With more people joining this effort, I hope this conclusion will be tested with more confidence. I have seen some analyses from other scholars that have yielded similar results (e.g., timryan.web.unc.edu/2018/08/12/data-contamination-on-mturk/) . The reliability of known scales I tested the reliability of the racial identification scale (see below), the reliability for non-repeating GPSer it is .87, for repeaters it is .11. I also tested the reliability of the symbolic threat scale (see below), the reliability for non-repeating GPSer it is .81, for repeaters it is -.01. Note that these scales include reverse-coded items. I noted that if I test the reliability of the racial identification scale without reversing the items that should be reversed, its reliability is -.84 for non-repeaters and it is .58 for repeaters. With additional review of individual responses, my impression is that repeaters tend to straight-line their responses on the same side of a page, regardless if items are reverse coded or not. Therefore, data from the repeaters do not appear to be very reliable. The distribution of measures with known/expected distribution I asked my participants their feeling toward KKK and the Nazi party from 0=most unfavorable to 100=most favorable, and 50 is mid point. For non-repeating GPSer they are 8.90 and 8.21, but for repeaters they are 60.82 and 60.02. It seems to me that it is more likely that the repeaters are giving random responses than truly have found something likable about KKK and Nazi party. Measures that are known/expected to be correlated
I used political ideology and party identification to correlate with feeling toward liberal and conservative politicians. I have four politicians who vary by ideology and religion, and religion doesn’t really matter so I combined them. The correlation between feeling toward liberal politicians with ideology and party identification are significant r=-.59*** and r=-.57*** for non-repeating GPSer. but they are not significant at all for repeaters, r=-.13 p=.14, r=.04, p=.65 . The correlation between feeling toward a conservative politicians with ideology and party identification are significant .53*** and .48*** for non-repeating GPSer. For repeaters, ideology is significant, but party ID is not r=.25** r=.10 p=.21. Therefore, the predictive power of known variables do not appear to hold up for repeaters as much as non-repeaters. Below are the measures described in my study Racial identification scale (1=strongly disagree; 7=strongly agree) ID_1r Overall, my race has very little to do with how I feel about myself.(reverse coded) ID_2 My race is an important reflection of who I am. ID_3r My race is unimportant to my sense of what kind of a person I am. (reverse coded) ID_4 In general, my race is an important part of my self-image. Symbolic threat scale (1=strongly disagree; 7=strongly agree) SYT1 The values and beliefs of other ethnic groups regarding moral issues are not compatible with the values and beliefs of my ethnic group. SYT2 The growth of other ethnic groups is undermining American culture. SYT3r The values and beliefs of other ethnic groups regarding work are compatible with the values and beliefs of my ethnic group. (reverse coded) Political ideology How would you describe your ideological preference in general? 1=very liberal; 7=very conservative Party identification How would you describe your political party preference? 1=Strong Democrat ; 7=Strong Republican Footnote 1: I preregistered hypotheses, analyses plan and all that stuff. I also planned to share data so I don’t think data peeking is an issue here
Young-Jae Cha
8/9/2018 01:53:01 am
Dear Max,
8/9/2018 06:54:03 am
I would concern about it. Do their responses tend to look random and give non sensible answers to open ended responses (e.g, "GOOD" "very nice!")? Also, if you find that established scales do not work well on them, I would worry
8/9/2018 08:09:37 am
Note that repeated IP addresses can be caused by odd defaults, e.g., take this story: http://theweek.com/articles/624040/how-internet-mapping-glitch-turned-kansas-farm-into-digital-hell
8/9/2018 11:01:28 am
I think that is a possibility, but in the current issue, it seems that data from repeating GPS usually are far more random than non-repeaters, so I think that is a concern. GPS itself, I think, is just an artifact that happened to be helpful to identify likely problem responses...
8/9/2018 09:22:29 am
In some of the repeating coordinates I've found in my most recent dataset it seems like whoever has done this is also spoofing these coordinates. For example, I have 4 respondents whose coordinates all lead to the middle of the Cheney reservoir in Kansas. Others I've found lead to places in the middle of nowhere in Venezuela, old warehouses, and other places that seem unlikely (or entirely impossible) to have any computers at all, much less internet access.
8/9/2018 11:06:51 am
I agree! IP is not the most reliable way to easily identify them yet, although some people said that it can be done
10/16/2019 02:22:45 am
In my opinion, I think it can be done, Max. I have some small experiences and also issues about this in my previous team before, so may be I can share with you
John burger
8/9/2018 02:10:59 pm
geo-ip is not nearly as reliable as you might think.
8/10/2018 09:34:08 am
This was helpful. From the initial email, I began to check my data. Became suspicious when I saw ~10 respondents from the Cheney Reservoir noted above in each survey. However, the article John noted and lack of other suspicious patterns in the data cleared concerns.
8/12/2018 03:37:17 pm
I think the duplicated GPS is just a trace that is left by whoever is doing this. It is certainly possible that they are from real people, but their data appear to be very different at least in my own data and this scholar's http://timryan.web.unc.edu/2018/08/12/data-contamination-on-mturk/. I proposed this procedure to more systematically test the evidentiary value of data from duplicates. I welcome any thoughts any comments
Just posting in case there are concerns about this being an issue beyond Mturk. We haven't seen any evidence of similar bot-like accounts on Prolific (I'm Prolific's CTO). We have several processes in place to prevent these types of accounts. Including but not limited to the following:
8/9/2018 11:09:09 am
Hi Phelim, thank you very much for your message! It is really reassuring to know that Prolific is taking it very seriously. Do you happen to have any data that you have access to and see if there is any repeating GPS (not IP)?
8/9/2018 03:28:51 pm
I’m curious whether the following questions below have been discussed:
8/9/2018 05:57:24 pm
I'm also curious about the HIT presets. Without appropriate presets, low quality workers are to be expected.
Brad Turner
8/10/2018 08:37:43 am
Yes, I'd appreciate clarity on qualifications used as well. Also, I have to assume the supposed bots or their operators can take unique completion codes generated at the end of the Qualtrics survey and paste them back into MTurk. Can you confirm?
Kristin Broussard
8/10/2018 08:50:32 am
I checked one of my recent data sets that was collected through Turk Prime today and found a huge number of repeat GPS coordinates (including 44 with .88639831 that passed 3 attention checks in the survey).
Brad Turner
8/10/2018 10:23:53 am
Hi Kristin, is that data from repeat GPS coordinates good or bad? This may be a red herring. Qualtrics estimates GPS data to the city level except for GPS-enabled mobile devices. Max shows likelihood that some GPS-duplicators are probably bots/scripting users, but it's not necessarily a concern.
Hi Brad, 8/9/2018 06:04:14 pm
Saw your post on Twitter and it rang a bell for me. I have also seen duplicate IP addresses in Mturk data, plus they are all ridiculously specific in decimal place - but that might be an issue with how they are assigned or recorded. I decided to look at the pattern of the specific responses as you did - unlike in your case though, my open ended responses weren’t suspiciously out of context and the Likert responses didn’t deviate noticeably from the aggregate. So I don’t think our cases are similar issues. I wonder if you were targeted by a script due to the subject matter?
8/10/2018 10:00:12 am
I have some open ended qualitative questions requiring an answer. Although the 88639831 data looks like outright junk, possibly made by a bot or more likely a human with poor english skills and low attention, the other repeating GPS coordinates appear to be mostly good data.
8/10/2018 11:12:21 am
Per this very excellent article from Yale Law, you should be using code generation to match data received to payment requests on MTurk.
8/10/2018 11:21:15 am
We have not experienced this problem. I believe it's because we begin our HITs by having the workers transcribe a paragraph of handwritten text (essentially, complete a captcha). This is a trivial approach to screen out bots. I recommend it!
8/11/2018 04:39:52 am
TurkPrime just released a report on the issue, analyzing 100,000 MTurk studies.
8/21/2018 11:20:14 am
Typical knee jerk reaction. All they can do is block duplicate gps, this does nothing but exclude hundreds of legitimate participants for no reason other than wanting increased privacy.
Katherine H.
8/11/2018 07:38:57 am
I looked through some data I collected in February-March and found a few repeating GPS coordinates from the Cheney reservoir in Kansas. From what I can tell, they have the same IP addresses and different MTurk IDs.
Thanks for posting. I work on human and bot fraud detection at Lucid, and may have some pointers to avoid this.
John Burger
8/18/2018 09:56:03 am
MaxMind also uses the middle of Kansas when all it can tell about the ISP is that it’s in the US. This will happen increasingly often with GDPR and other privacy regulations.
8/19/2018 08:55:26 am
I am from a Bot Management Lab- ShieldSquare. We protect billions of pages every month from bots. Let us know if you want any form of help from us. Would be happy to share our expertise and knowledge in this domain with you.
8/28/2018 06:57:33 am
9/20/2018 02:16:06 pm
Please report these worker IDs to Amazon that the problem can be corrected.
You know what?, this study is ridiculous, because of this, many mturkers who are legit and taking time finishing the survey being punished. That example of the nazi crap is just an opinion. How can you justify something from the opinion? If the question is right or wrong answer then justify it using that method.
10/15/2019 12:39:56 am
10/15/2019 08:54:08 pm
I would like advice
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